Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Ladies suffer too...

Let’s talk about something that hardly ever gets discussed: vaginismus.

What is vaginismus you say? 
Well, it is a sexual dysfunction that some women suffer from.  It has a strong link to the mind.  Various resources describe it as an involuntary tightening of the pelvic floor muscles surrounding the vagina causing discomfort, burning, pain, penetration problems during sex or an inability to have intercourse.  As it is involuntary the woman feels she does not have control over what happens with her muscles.  In other words, it puts a lot of stress and strain on women who cannot enjoy sex.

Did you know that vaginismus is said to be the main cause of unconsummated relationships?

The tightness can be so restrictive that the opening to the vagina is 'closed off' altogether and the man is unable to insert his penis or the penis may be inserted but pain results. The pain of vaginismus ends when the sexual attempt stops, and usually intercourse must be halted due to pain or discomfort.  The tightening is very specifically linked to sexual activity.

So what causes this?

Vaginismus can often have a link to past traumatic events, abuse, a history of discomfort can create negative impacts on vaginismus as can other complex psychopathology.  At times, there are no causes to be found.  It is vital that a therapist looks at all aspects of woman’s life to assure treatment takes into consideration any psychological issues which may be present, the cause or just contributing factors to the problem.

If you or someone you know are living with this debilitating condition, then contact me now to get help.

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

"Of course I'm fine! I just like a drink here and there. Get off my back!"

“I’m not an alcoholic! I don’t have a problem!  I’m fine.”

We’ve all heard the word denial before but few stick to it so vehemently as the high functioning alcoholic.  There are many ways of telling yourself that you don’t have a problem and those around you might also support this idea, but when alcohol is a problem both you and others may begin to suffer.  

Maybe your partner doesn’t want you to drink at parties because you don’t know when to stop and your personality changes as the drink takes over. Or do you feel you have to have that drink in the middle of the day just so you can make it through to the end? Going back to work and justifying to yourself that it’s okay as you are not under the influence having just had one or two with lunch. Maybe you are hiding bottles in the recycle bin or re-filling them so they look untouched.

Do you get worked up, anxious and irritable if you can’t get your fix? This behaviour change is a sure sign that you have become addicted to alcohol regardless of how well you are functioning.

Maybe you can’t get out of bed in the morning and you tell yourself it’s because you went to bed late, not because you are hung-over.  You don’t fit the stereotype of being a “drunk” so therefore you don’t have a problem with alcohol.

All this may be true but on the other-hand all this may just put you in the category of a high functioning alcoholic.  These are the people around us whose lives don’t fall apart from drink but they are slowly killing themselves all the same.

If you know someone that you think is hiding their addiction from themselves, speak up and advise them to get help.

Lisa Wheeler

According to
You may have a drinking problem if you...
  • Feel guilty or ashamed about your drinking.
  • Lie to others or hide your drinking habits.
  • Have friends or family members who are worried about your drinking.
  • Need to drink in order to relax or feel better.
  • “Black out” or forget what you did while you were drinking.
  • Regularly drink more than you intended to.

Please seek help.