Tuesday, 20 January 2015

6 Key Points to Happiness from Scope Hypnosis

Happiness.... Just a simple word and yet if you don't have enough of this feeling the quality of your life suffers greatly. Here are a few tips to help you increase the happiness in your life.

1: The half-smile -  Smiling by just uplifting the corners of your mouth will increase feelings of happiness and wellness as this action also creates a release of positive endorphins and proteins into your body.  Your cells love these positive endorphins so next time you are feeling a bit worked up just try this technique for a quick release of positive feelings.

2: Improve your ability to relax -  With targeted relaxation we gain more beneficial endorphins and proteins to feed our cells and create feelings of happiness.

3: Exercise - We’ve all heard it before- yes we gain many positive benefits from exercise. It has been shown time and time again that our brains release proteins and endorphins that make us feel happier when we exercise.

4: Time for your mind - Use meditation or hypnosis to take yourself from the place where you are to where you desire to go.  Take 5 minutes everyday to use these techniques to reframe your life and get you on the path you desire.

5: Mini massage - Give yourself a head massage. Take 3 minutes to push, pull and rub your head to get the blood flowing to all the areas of your brain.  Massage will increase the blood flow to your head thereby revitalizing your brain and body and helping you to relax.

6: Sleep more -  It is easy to say
that we should sleep more but just going to bed a 1/2 hour earlier can have a dramatic effect on how you function throughout the day.  The right amount of sleep offers you more protection from negative emotions and aspects of life which compromise your happiness.

Want to chat about this article? Send me an email with your thoughts and remember to sign up for your free 5 minute relaxation track at www.scopehypnosis.com

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Child Abuse is Rife in NZ

Let's stop this crime now!

I am shocked that in this day and age so many  N.Z. children are still victims of abuse.  Despite public awareness and the anti-smacking laws, an astonishing number of children are put in harms way, are neglected or are physically, emotionally or sexually victimised.  Sadly, the majority suffer at the hands of the people they trust most, their caregivers.

New Zealand holds the 5th worst child abuse record out of the 31 countries in the OECD.
 http://www.childmatters.org.nz/ reports that one child is killed every five weeks in this country and that most of these are under five years old with the biggest group being babies under one year old. These deaths are, in 90% of cases, caused by someone the child knows.

The clients I see come from all walks of life; some university educated and some from the working classes, but they all have one thing in common:  they lack confidence.  Adults who have lived young lives as victims of abuse need qualified support to tame the damage that has been done in the past. We know that children who have lived with abuse have an increased chance of living problematic, anti-social lifestyles in the future through delinquency, teen pregnancy, low academic achievement, drug use and mental health problems.  We also know that if you have been abused in the past you have an increased risk of become an abuser. Help is here: near or far Scope Hypnosis supports clients to make positive changes in their lives.

Children are never the cause of the abuse.  No matter what the child’s behaviour the responsibility lies solely with the adult to respond appropriately. Inflicting physical punishment, verbal abuse or responding sexually to a child is a crime.  If you find it difficult to parent your child without violence, or you cannot shield them from abuse, I urge you to seek help.

Clinical Hypnotherapy with Scope Hypnosis will start you on the right track.

If you have experienced abuse in your own life or you know someone struggling with these issues, let us help. We can work together to change these horrific statistics which the lovely clean green NZ wants to hide from the world.
