Happiness.... Just a simple word and yet if you don't have enough of this feeling the quality of your life suffers greatly. Here are a few tips to help you increase the happiness in your life.

2: Improve your ability to relax - With targeted relaxation we gain more beneficial endorphins and proteins to feed our cells and create feelings of happiness.
3: Exercise - We’ve all heard it before- yes we gain many positive benefits from exercise. It has been shown time and time again that our brains release proteins and endorphins that make us feel happier when we exercise.
4: Time for your mind - Use meditation or hypnosis to take yourself from the place where you are to where you desire to go. Take 5 minutes everyday to use these techniques to reframe your life and get you on the path you desire.

6: Sleep more - It is easy to say
that we should sleep more but just going to bed a 1/2 hour earlier can have a dramatic effect on how you function throughout the day. The right amount of sleep offers you more protection from negative emotions and aspects of life which compromise your happiness.
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