Sunday, 21 December 2014

Sex and the sexes

Men and Women and Sex

Men say their partners don’t want to have sex, have less libido, and are not initiating being intimate.  Why? 

Men and women differ in many areas and sexual desire is just one. Some say these two groups have equivalent levels of desire but that it is the factors behind desire that vary greatly. 

For woman the connection with the mind plays a very significant role in her desire for sex.  For men the physical draw is the main driving force. 

According to Psychology Today “Sexual desire in females is both more complex and more fragile than it is in males—less tied to biology, more linked to psychology.” 
It seems to me, we could use this statement to refer to much about the differences between men and women.

In some studies, men say they think about sex at least once a day whereas only 25% of women say they think about it with this frequency.  For women, their desire is related to environment and context. 

Work stress, relationship issues, other stress factors and declining hormones all impact a woman’s craving for sex.  Women’s sexual desires fluctuate over the years, and during the month in comparison to men who maintain a reasonable steady desire.  

Antidepressant medications are known to reduce libido and these medications are being prescribed more and more in our current society.  

If you are on antidepressant medication which is resulting in a loss of libido, ask yourself if there may be other options for managing your emotional state besides drugs. 

These drugs affect more than just your depression. Their use may contribute to problems within your relationships due to lack of libido. 

In this case, it’s a choice between two evils: depression and limited desire for sexual contact.   But there are other options you just need to seek them out.

Low libido isn’t a problem on its own.  The only time you need help with low sexual libido is if it is causing you distress.   Or if it is causing distress within your relationship.  

Men and women differ significantly in the factors influencing sexual desire; that’s normal. Accepting the differences between  couples and their desires is just one aspect of managing a successful relationship.

If you want an increase in your desire for intimacy then help is available through the use of clinical hypnotherapy.   

If you want your partner to have an increase in their desire for intimacy than look at what the surrounding factors may be in reducing their current desire. 

If it’s your man and you want to increase his desire find some ways to reduce his stress. If it’s your woman and you want to increase her desire remember helping out to reduce the load goes a long way to creating a healthful happy sexual woman. 

We, at Scope Hypnosis, create individual treatment programmes based on your unique needs to help you increase your desire and live a happy life.

Monday, 15 December 2014

Subconscious Influence and Advertising Depression

The influence of the subconscious mind is deeply embedded in the unknown of our  responses and behaviours. Take for example the science behind the colour of medication in pill form.  For treating depression research has shown that as humans our subconscious programming plays a strong role in our perception of how well a pill will actually work for us. The shape and the colour of the pill have a significant influence over its effectiveness. It’s been shown that yellow placebo pills are the most effective  placebo form for treating depression whereas a placebo in the form of a red pill will often cause the patient to be more alert and awake. If anxiety is the issue you take a green pill and if you’re developing stomach ulcers due to your anxiety then white pills are most effective. None of these pills have any active ingredients. They are merely placebos. This is the interplay between your subconscious programming and the world around you.

When research has shown that the colour of a tablet can have a profound effect on its influence within the body even when the tablet is a placebo, the topic to ponder in this blog post is how can we possibly believe that, of which John Kerwin is a spokes person, has honourable intentions for us. Surely our influential subconscious mind is not being educated to look at this website to find help but more to suggest that we all suffer from depression and that help is available in the form of drugs from our medical practitioners.

The website goes as far as to say “The World Health Organisation estimates that by the year 2020, depression will be the second most common cause of ill health and premature death worldwide”.  So depression is growing and I contend that’s because as a society we are feeding and watering it.  There is no mention of growth of the other 4 major mental illness categories: Anxiety Disorders, Schizophrenia, Psychotic Disorders, and Eating Disorders.  There is no doubt that with the focussed advertising that is being done for depression we will be steadily spreading this illness across our society. Advertising is a very powerful medium designed to influence and convince us that we need the item being advertised, will benefit from the item being advertised, and we should take the next step and purchase this item to help improve our lives. Is this not the same as advertising the state of depression and couching it as an educational tool?
Some might say that antidepressants are a total scam. Yes, living in a depressive state takes a toll on your life and the availability of antidepressants from GP’s is wide spread.  Many patients taking these pills will claim they have worked well yet there have been many studies to show that using a placebo will have the same effect without any chemical side effects. Doctors, pharmaceutical companies, and chemists all downplay these studies yet use the knowledge to add placebo effects to drugs through the use of shape and colour.
In my work, as a Clinical Hypnotherapist, the influence of the subconscious mind on wellness is paramount and all too many of my clients are taking or have been on antidepressant drugs.

I’m going to come up with a placebo vaccine for depression and give it to the whole nation...

Let's be well!

Lisa Wheeler
Clinical Hypnotherapist

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Did Someone say Sexual Desire?

Men say their partners don’t want to have sex, have less libido, and are not initiating being intimate.  Why? Let’s look at women and sex as compared with men and sex.  Some say these two groups have equivalent levels of desire but that it is the factors behind desire that vary greatly. 
For woman the connection with the mind plays a very significant role in her desire for sex.  For men the physical draw is the main driving force. According to Psychology Today “Sexual desire in females is both more complex and more fragile than it is in males—less tied to biology, more linked to psychology.” It seems to me, we could use this statement to refer to much about the differences between men and women.

In some studies, men say they think about sex at least once a day whereas only 25% of women say they think about it with this frequency.  For women, their desire is related to environment and context. Work stress, relationship issues, other stress factors and declining hormones all impact a woman’s craving for sex.  Women’s sexual desires fluctuate over the years, and during the month in comparison to men who maintain a reasonable steady desire.  

Antidepressant medications are known to reduce libido and these medications are being prescribed more and more in our current society.  If you are on antidepressant medication which is resulting in a loss of libido, ask yourself if there may be other options for managing your emotional state besides drugs. These drugs affect more than just your depression. Their use may contribute to problems within your relationships due to lack of libido. In this case, it’s a choice between two evils: depression and limited desire for sexual contact.   But there are other options you just need to seek them out.

Low libido isn’t a problem on its own.  The only time you need help with low sexual libido is if it is causing you distress.   Or if it is causing distress within your relationship.  Men and women differ significantly in the factors influencing sexual desire; that’s normal.  Accepting the differences between  couples and their desires is just one aspect of managing a successful relationship.

If you want an increase in your desire for intimacy then help is available through the use of clinical hypnotherapy.   If you want your partner to have an increase in their desire for intimacy than look at what the surrounding factors may be in reducing their current desire.  If it’s your man and you want to increase his desire find some ways to reduce his stress. If it’s your woman and you want to increase her desire remember helping out to reduce the load goes a long way to creating a healthful happy sexual woman. We, at Scope Hypnosis, create individual treatment programmes based on your unique needs to help you increase your desire and live a happy life.


Monday, 1 December 2014

Making New Years Resolutions?

Have you begun to think about your New Year’s Resolutions?  
We as humans, try to better ourselves, and what better time than the new year to turn over a new leaf right? Wrong...
According to the University of Scranton published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology 1/1/2014 just 8% of people achieve their New Year’s goals. 

Do you want to set yourself up for failure? This year is time to do it differently.
One problem with New Year’s resolutions is that they are at New Year. People want to have an external reason – perhaps even an excuse – to reinvent themselves.  

It’s hard to change, so it’s tempting to use an external factor – the turn of the year – as a focus for our desire to change.  

But the very fact that you’re using the New Year to spur you into action might indicate that you need help with the hard work of changing.  Within a month you will be faced with the reality of the day-to-day challenges required to achieve your resolutions and that’s when you begin to wane, feel disappointed in yourself and abandon your goals, right?  You have probably done this before and you will likely continue to act this way unless you change how you think and react to certain conditions in your life.  

That’s where I come in.

Helping people to get into the right mind space to achieve their goals is my role as a Clinical Hypnotherapist.  Through the use of counselling and hypnosis the you move from stuck to fluid and we don’t wait for New Year. We begin today to make long lasting changes for your future and a better, more fulfilled life!  

If you have thought about making some New Year’s Resolutions contact me now to ensure your success.  

Online SKYPE Sessions and International Bookings available from

Lisa Wheeler

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Is stress making your child sick?

As adults we recognise that there is a link to stress and illness but does this link apply to children as well?  Is the school your child attends making them sick?

Being a parent involves making a host of choices everyday for your children.  This year my husband and I decided to change the school our 6 year old daughter attended.  

Little did we know that this would result in a whole host of issues causing her stress and leading to ongoing illness.  In the new school she was seen as just one of many little bodies to be educated in the class.  Individuality was shunned in favour of conformity and “obedience” (that came directly from the school newsletter).  

Our child is a master of giving teachers all they expect and nothing more and this led to her slow decline in growth educationally over the course of 3 terms at this school. Not only was she unable to be an individual but it appeared one of the school’s goals was to have every student become a mirror of every other student within the class or classrooms. Now I am not saying that she failed to learn but I am saying that her capacity to learn far exceeds what was allowed and expected of her.

Now back to my main point, which is, my daughter was sick nearly the entire 3 terms she was in attendance at that school.  She was unhappy there and worried about going to class each and every day.  She often had tummy aches in the morning and had sore this or sore that on a constant basis.

To the teachers she was a model student.  Conforming perfectly.  But the child I got home off the bus was often in tears, upset and angry yet unable to explain why.

Finally an incident led us to remove her from that school and go back to the school she had been in the previous year.  Just as suddenly she feels well, she doesn’t have headaches, tummy aches or other ailments of a somatic nature and she is happy at home.  She doesn’t have that long ongoing runny nose and she feels well.  The most important discovery in the whole situation is that we saw the influence this stressful situation was having on her as when she is so young wellness, confidence, creativity and passion are keys to her future.  We are very very pleased that we didn’t feel powerless to alter the course of her schooling as sometimes...the school does not know best!

If your child has been sick more than a “normal” amount, have look at the situations in their lives that may be causing stress and see if you can make any changes for a better outcome.

Contact me now to help alleviate stress for your child.

Lisa Wheeler

Monday, 3 November 2014

Consciousness and the Internal Reality

What is consciousness and the internal reality?

Neuroscientist Candace B. Pert purports that the biggest thing that was and continues to be happening at the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century isn’t the internet.  It’s the change in thinking about consciousness.  This shift in the belief that consciousness, rather than being something abstract, is real and central to human well-being.  That emotions and consciousness are central to health, healing and wellness; that our state of consciousness affects our well-being both in positive and negative ways is why I have come to talk to you today.

That we don’t really know what consciousness is and the impact it has on human health and that we can offer hope and solace to those that seek to understand how they can change the physiological relationship of the body and mind.  That I empower my clients to do exactly this.

Take for example some documented cases of Multiple Personality Disorder where the expression of certain antigens and ligands are altered with the various personalities as they display.

There was a case in which one personality was allergic to orange juice and the other was not, both in the same body. When the immune personality was inhabiting the body, there was no reaction at all to orange juice. However, when the allergic personality would consume orange juice, his body would break out into hives. Further, if the allergic personality would take over even during digestion of orange juice, not having consumed it himself, his body would break out into hives. And then if the immune personality took over, the itching and even the hives would subside. All in the same physical body.

In some cases one personality is colourblind and the other is not. In other cases two or more personalities require different prescriptions for their glasses, and sometimes their eye colour is even different. These are all documented cases, and there are thousands more if you care to research them. I can email some links for interesting reading.

So what is the nature of consciousness?  And this is the question we have no answer to.  What we do know is that every psychoactive drug prescribed works within the body because it mimics an already present internal information substance that the body/mind naturally generates. Endorphins, hormones made externally can fit into receptors which are already present within the mind body and that these psychoactive drugs can drastically change moods, thinking and behaviours when taken.  But what happens when we take these drugs that they do not target specific area areas where receptors are located but blanket target all receptors within the body where antigens are present for those ligands.

As we go through our day we have tremendous changes in the expression of these antigens and receptors which are in constant feedback with all the systems of the body/mind.  But so sensitive and fine. And this feedback is created from the emotional changes we go through within our day.  Again, Candace B. Pert has documented and studied and research for over 20 years to identify what she terms “the molecules of emotion”.  She’s proven in her research that certain emotional states release certain peptides and proteins which change the physiological state of the body/mind.

Now the body and mind are smart and this is where my view is.  That we can use the body/mind to alter and change moods, thinking and behaviours naturally, in many cases, by encouraging the body/mind to actively affect the release of the naturally occurring ligands.

Emotions can manifest in the body or the mind when we look at the release of the peptides this is a feedback system.  Our digestive system, immune system and other physical systems all have neurons that have endorphins, neuropeptides, hormones that both release and and bind to informational substances.  These substances are released as we change emotional states.

My work focuses on teaching clients how to manage emotional states, to promote healing, lower blood pressure, create better sleep states,  manage anxiety and depression, and many other issues.  All clients I see have issues with tension within the body/ mind and all have issues with confidence around their individual problems or issues.  

If you or someone you know needs support to get the body mind system working for you and not against you, please contact me know and get started on the road to wellness.

Lisa Wheeler
Scope Hypnosis

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Health Anxiety: A real life breaker

What sickness will you have next?

“Oh no something feels wrong in my chest.  My lungs seem to be working differently-ugghh- I’m not breathing like I could yesterday.  My chin is numb and so are the tips of my fingers.  What could it be that is taking me over?”  For people living with health anxiety, this is the thought process every minute of every day and it is debilitating.

People that suffer and live with health anxiety, look at every little change in their body and mind and then go to google and look up what health problem could be causing that change. 

Sometimes there isn’t even a change except in the mind.  If you have never lived with this type of anxiety then this will seem quite far fetched to you, but if you think you are developing ASL, MS, stomach ulcers, cancer, HIV, or heart attack but your conscious mind tells you to 'get a grip" then you may need help to manage the real issue.  Anxiety.

People living with health anxiety fully believe that any harmless physical presentations are going to lead to horrible and serious disease and illness which are untreatable.  Imagine being unable to look objectively at the normal workings of your body and living with a constant fear of life threatening illness.

The good news is that Clinical Hypnotherapy can help reduce the symptoms of health anxiety.  When we work with relaxation we create an atmosphere within our body where good endorphins can influence thinking in a more positive way.  By reducing tension we create better clearer thinking and by building confidence we learn to trust our bodies.  

Prescription drugs have a place yet they don’t need to be the first port of call.  Your body and mind have a tremendous ability to change, modify and adapt to give you what you need: a wonderful happy satisfying life.

Sunday, 12 October 2014

Teenage Anxiety: Contact Scope Hypnosis for help

It doesn't have to be this way!

As a society we have a very real problem with our teens and young people.  Contrary to all the spelling and grammar errors education is only a small part of the issue with our teens. The message in these posts taken off just one internet website is clear.  Our teens are suffering with an ever growing problem...anxiety!  Read some posts below taken as is from the web:

“Am I depresed? I think this because I've been sad for the pass to months. I've been cutting. I've cut my whole uper body. No one can help. I'm keep having sucidal thoughts. I am 15. I'm called "I'm such a bad friend. " "I'm a fake friend." "I'm not good enough." "I don't need you anymore". I don't get it I try my best to be kind. I can't take it anymore so I'm just so antisocial now. I keep cutting because it makes me feel better. I don't know what's wrong with me”

“Hi! I'm a 13 year old girl with obsessive compulsive disorder by the way. I've felt this way for three years. It's come to a point where I can't go to school because I can't focus, I'm to sad to socialize, I mean I go into the library on brake to read. I have about one friend and having no friends honestly doesn't bother me that much. I'm happy to be my own "best friend" Anytime I'm around people they just are really terrible and everything. They f!cking joked about 9/11 on 9/11, they joke about slavery, they are racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, and everything else in between.”

“My life is falling apart (I'm 14)? Basically, my biology teacher just gave me a 35 when I've turned in all my work and when she gave them back they were at least A's or B's. Another thing that is scaring me is my mom keeps yellig at me for no reason, screaming at me and calling me names. I'm so sick of it. Sometimes I'll cry myself to sleep if it upsets me enough, and now I'm losing weight and it's starting to scare me. Please help! I'm starting to get really depressed”
“I feel worthless, like anything i do will never be enough for this world? i like drawing, writing stories, making videos. but none of those fun things will ever compare to the great artists and cartoon artists, amazing writers, and famous youtubers. i will never become them. i cant make a living out of those hobbies. im 14 and im useless, everybody keeps telling me to start thinking now about what i will be and i just cant think about it i an literally good at nothing.”

Does your teen meet some of these signs of excessive anxiety:

  • Your teen feels anxious, worried, or afraid for no reason at all. 
  • Your teen worries too much about everyday events or activities. 
  • Your teen continually checks whether they did something right or wrong. 
  • Your teen is so panicky they unable to function in certain specific situations -- like taking tests or socializing with friends.

The time is now to help our children. Recognise the signs of depression and anxiety and make a call to action. With using relaxation and teaching self-hypnosis we can offer troubled teens help for the daily issues they face. We need our teens to grow up to be happy confident resilient adults who strive for getting the best out of life.

If we don’t help our children to grow and be confident then our whole society will fall apart.  These are our leaders of the future and we need to nurture and care for them.  If you have a teen that needs some support and strategies for getting control of anxiety and teen stress then consult with me and I will help you to help your child. In our modern world help is widely available and with our teens being very computer friendly, SKYPE sessions are easily conducted within your home.  

Help me to help change the world by improving one life at time; the life of your teen!  Stop this anxiety in it’s tracks.

Lisa Wheeler

Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Priority of Mind: Mental Tune-Up

I crashed my car the other day...more like bumped but with a considerable amount of damage under the bumper that can’t be seen from the outside. It got me thinking about the conscious and subconscious minds, like I do, and how what we see on the outside isn’t always a true reflection of what is going on inside or below the surface level.  

I knew the moment I crashed my car that this little accident was going to cost me to spend money. There was no doubt that I would immediately set about getting my car fixed and I had a pretty good idea that it wouldn’t be cheap.  But what about when things are going wrong in the mind?  People either think they can fix it themselves, or it can’t be fixed, or it’s not worth the cost of fixing it or worst of all that there is nothing wrong with them.  Sometimes what is obvious to others is simply invisible to the person living that way.  But we are talking about the mind and mental wellness which is far more important than the bump in my bumper or any other material possession.  Total mental wellness brings about health, vitality and happiness which cannot be compared to the feeling you get from material possessions.

A study on 2007 reported that 66% of the patients didn’t seek help due to the belief that the problem would get better on its own. 71% percent agreed with the statement "I wanted to solve the problem on my own." A further 47% reported financial obstacles as a reason not to seek treatment. Still, attitudinal barriers about the value of mental health care seem to be be the biggest obstacle.

But having completed the body work on one of my own cars about 20 years ago, doesn’t make me an expert in body work.  My car needed to be seen and repaired by someone who does that work day in and day out.  After all, most of us drive our cars every day but we wouldn’t set about fixing them as we do not have the expertise.  

So why do we think we can fix our mind on our own? Creating a meaningful life only happens when we have solid mental health.  The greatest predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour. Just like regular servicing of your car, your mind needs a mental tune-up periodically.  

Next time you want to upgrade your phone, get a new TV, or a better car just consider if that money may be better spent as an investment to a more meaningful life for your future. Good mental health makes happiness and improves health.  It’s time to make a change and yes, you need to pay a professional who has the expertise to help you to rev-up your main engine and get you back on the right road to wellness again.
Lisa Wheeler

Sunday, 21 September 2014

Do you have a problem with alcohol? "Not me! I'm not a falling down drunk!"

“I’m not an alcoholic! I don’t have a problem!  I’m fine.”

We’ve all heard the word denial before but few stick to it so vehemently as the high functioning alcoholic.  

There are many ways of telling yourself that you don’t have a problem and those around you might also support this idea, but when alcohol is a problem both you and others may begin to suffer.  

Maybe your partner doesn’t want you to drink at parties because you don’t know when to stop, or you feel you have to have that drink in the middle of the day because you just can't get through a full day at work. Maybe you are hiding bottles in the re-cycle bin or filling them with water so others can't see how much you've really drunk.

Maybe when you can’t get out of bed in the morning, you tell yourself it’s because you went to bed late, not because you are hung-over.  You don’t fit the stereotype of being a “drunk” so therefore you don’t have a problem with alcohol. This is the high functioning alcoholic. Is this you?

According to
You may have a drinking problem if you...
  • Feel guilty or ashamed about your drinking.
  • Lie to others or hide your drinking habits.
  • Have friends or family members who are worried about your drinking.
  • Need to drink in order to relax or feel better.
  • “Black out” or forget what you did while you were drinking.
  • Regularly drink more than you intended to.

If you use alcohol to ease emotional issues or to cope with “life”, to make yourself feel better and to numb feelings then you may well be in need of a wake-up.  

You don’t have to be a falling down drunk to have a problem with alcohol. Anyone can become a person with a compulsion so strong that you can’t say no to a drink.  You think about it all day and can’t wait to hit 5 o’clock and crack into one.  You could not wait to get home so you opened it in the car, after all you’re not drunk when you have just had this one, right?  

It’s this altered thinking that needs to be noticed and changed.  Reliance upon alcohol as a support lowers self-esteem, undermines confidence, and ruins your life and those around you.  If anything in this post has hit a nerve contact me today to make changes and get on with living the life you deserve.
Lisa Wheeler