The influence of the subconscious mind is deeply embedded in the unknown of our responses and behaviours. Take for example the science behind the colour of medication in pill form. For treating depression research has shown that as humans our subconscious programming plays a strong role in our perception of how well a pill will actually work for us. The shape and the colour of the pill have a significant influence over its effectiveness. It’s been shown that yellow placebo pills are the most effective placebo form for treating depression whereas a placebo in the form of a red pill will often cause the patient to be more alert and awake. If anxiety is the issue you take a green pill and if you’re developing stomach ulcers due to your anxiety then white pills are most effective. None of these pills have any active ingredients. They are merely placebos. This is the interplay between your subconscious programming and the world around you.
When research has shown that the colour of a tablet can have a profound effect on its influence within the body even when the tablet is a placebo, the topic to ponder in this blog post is how can we possibly believe that, of which John Kerwin is a spokes person, has honourable intentions for us. Surely our influential subconscious mind is not being educated to look at this website to find help but more to suggest that we all suffer from depression and that help is available in the form of drugs from our medical practitioners.

The website goes as far as to say “The World Health Organisation estimates that by the year 2020, depression will be the second most common cause of ill health and premature death worldwide”. So depression is growing and I contend that’s because as a society we are feeding and watering it. There is no mention of growth of the other 4 major mental illness categories: Anxiety Disorders, Schizophrenia, Psychotic Disorders, and Eating Disorders. There is no doubt that with the focussed advertising that is being done for depression we will be steadily spreading this illness across our society. Advertising is a very powerful medium designed to influence and convince us that we need the item being advertised, will benefit from the item being advertised, and we should take the next step and purchase this item to help improve our lives. Is this not the same as advertising the state of depression and couching it as an educational tool?
Some might say that antidepressants are a total scam. Yes, living in a depressive state takes a toll on your life and the availability of antidepressants from GP’s is wide spread. Many patients taking these pills will claim they have worked well yet there have been many studies to show that using a placebo will have the same effect without any chemical side effects. Doctors, pharmaceutical companies, and chemists all downplay these studies yet use the knowledge to add placebo effects to drugs through the use of shape and colour.
In my work, as a Clinical Hypnotherapist, the influence of the subconscious mind on wellness is paramount and all too many of my clients are taking or have been on antidepressant drugs.
I’m going to come up with a placebo vaccine for depression and give it to the whole nation...
Let's be well!
Lisa Wheeler
Clinical Hypnotherapist
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