Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Priority of Mind: Mental Tune-Up

I crashed my car the other day...more like bumped but with a considerable amount of damage under the bumper that can’t be seen from the outside. It got me thinking about the conscious and subconscious minds, like I do, and how what we see on the outside isn’t always a true reflection of what is going on inside or below the surface level.  

I knew the moment I crashed my car that this little accident was going to cost me to spend money. There was no doubt that I would immediately set about getting my car fixed and I had a pretty good idea that it wouldn’t be cheap.  But what about when things are going wrong in the mind?  People either think they can fix it themselves, or it can’t be fixed, or it’s not worth the cost of fixing it or worst of all that there is nothing wrong with them.  Sometimes what is obvious to others is simply invisible to the person living that way.  But we are talking about the mind and mental wellness which is far more important than the bump in my bumper or any other material possession.  Total mental wellness brings about health, vitality and happiness which cannot be compared to the feeling you get from material possessions.

A study on 2007 http://ps.psychiatryonline.org/data/Journals/PSS/3797/07ps357.pdf reported that 66% of the patients didn’t seek help due to the belief that the problem would get better on its own. 71% percent agreed with the statement "I wanted to solve the problem on my own." A further 47% reported financial obstacles as a reason not to seek treatment. Still, attitudinal barriers about the value of mental health care seem to be be the biggest obstacle.

But having completed the body work on one of my own cars about 20 years ago, doesn’t make me an expert in body work.  My car needed to be seen and repaired by someone who does that work day in and day out.  After all, most of us drive our cars every day but we wouldn’t set about fixing them as we do not have the expertise.  

So why do we think we can fix our mind on our own? Creating a meaningful life only happens when we have solid mental health.  The greatest predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour. Just like regular servicing of your car, your mind needs a mental tune-up periodically.  

Next time you want to upgrade your phone, get a new TV, or a better car just consider if that money may be better spent as an investment to a more meaningful life for your future. Good mental health makes happiness and improves health.  It’s time to make a change and yes, you need to pay a professional who has the expertise to help you to rev-up your main engine and get you back on the right road to wellness again.
Lisa Wheeler

Sunday, 21 September 2014

Do you have a problem with alcohol? "Not me! I'm not a falling down drunk!"

“I’m not an alcoholic! I don’t have a problem!  I’m fine.”

We’ve all heard the word denial before but few stick to it so vehemently as the high functioning alcoholic.  

There are many ways of telling yourself that you don’t have a problem and those around you might also support this idea, but when alcohol is a problem both you and others may begin to suffer.  

Maybe your partner doesn’t want you to drink at parties because you don’t know when to stop, or you feel you have to have that drink in the middle of the day because you just can't get through a full day at work. Maybe you are hiding bottles in the re-cycle bin or filling them with water so others can't see how much you've really drunk.

Maybe when you can’t get out of bed in the morning, you tell yourself it’s because you went to bed late, not because you are hung-over.  You don’t fit the stereotype of being a “drunk” so therefore you don’t have a problem with alcohol. This is the high functioning alcoholic. Is this you?

According to http://www.helpguide.org/mental/alcohol_abuse_alcoholism_signs_effects_treatment.htm
You may have a drinking problem if you...
  • Feel guilty or ashamed about your drinking.
  • Lie to others or hide your drinking habits.
  • Have friends or family members who are worried about your drinking.
  • Need to drink in order to relax or feel better.
  • “Black out” or forget what you did while you were drinking.
  • Regularly drink more than you intended to.

If you use alcohol to ease emotional issues or to cope with “life”, to make yourself feel better and to numb feelings then you may well be in need of a wake-up.  

You don’t have to be a falling down drunk to have a problem with alcohol. Anyone can become a person with a compulsion so strong that you can’t say no to a drink.  You think about it all day and can’t wait to hit 5 o’clock and crack into one.  You could not wait to get home so you opened it in the car, after all you’re not drunk when you have just had this one, right?  

It’s this altered thinking that needs to be noticed and changed.  Reliance upon alcohol as a support lowers self-esteem, undermines confidence, and ruins your life and those around you.  If anything in this post has hit a nerve contact me today to make changes and get on with living the life you deserve.  

Lisa Wheeler

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Does your GP have time for you?

We all know that Doctors are busy people, right?  But when using the excuse of being too busy means that your GP might not be able to best advise you of a service which could significantly improve the work they do for you and your overall well-being, is it okay to be “too busy”?  I think not!  

In an effort to provide some insight into the work I do and how it can help you- their patient, the reply from one of our local surgeries was that “at this stage the GP's don't feel they have time to schedule anything in for you”.  But it’s not about me!  It’s about you the patient! Next time you go to your GP, ask them what they know about therapies which may complement the treatment your doctor offers you.

Any practitioner looking after your health and wellness needs to take a proactive approach to looking at all avenues for improving your outcome.  Research out of Harvard states that 60-90% of doctors visits are, in some way, contributed to by stress reactions within the body.  As a Clinical Hypnotherapist, I work with reducing the impact of these reactions within the body and mind which will reduce the need for medication, for medical interventions and improve overall well-being for people.

I know that research has proven that the therapeutic use of hypnosis can gain a 25% increase in healing after surgery. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12722936
I know that using therapeutic hypnosis can improve how patients deal with cancer. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1549747
I know that if you live with chronic pain you can improve how you experience this pain by using therapeutic hypnosis. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2752362/
I know that using self-hypnosis to manage anxiety significantly reduces the need for medication. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20136382
I know that using a structured therapeutic programme can reduce the incidence of depression. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20183000

Ask yourself, why would your GP refuse to learn more about this modality which may have significant impact upon your well-being?  After all, I’m giving my time for free to help your practitioner understand more about Clinical Hypnotherapy for you.  

For any GP’s out there, you may contact me and I will be happy to come and talk with you about how we can work together to improve outcomes for patients.  If you are not local to me, we can meet via SKYPE.  Helping people be the best they can be is my mission and I will give my valuable time to see this through.

Lisa Wheeler
Scope Hypnosis

Monday, 15 September 2014

Focussed relaxation can alter the expression of genes!

Focussed relaxation can alter the expression of genes!

Review Overview



Summary : Take advantage of online sessions from anywhere in the world! Hypnosis in your own home.
Your Rating: 4.9 5 votes)
Has anyone ever told you that focussed relaxation can alter the expression of genes within your body to improve wellness? Studies have show that the mind and body connection is vital to good health and wellness and when creating a relaxation response within the body you release powerful natural abilities to fight disease.
Today anxiety and tension impact how effectively we work and play and lead us down a path of sickness. Working with your body’s natural ability to use the hypnotic state has remarkable results on health and wellness.
Clinical Hypnotherapy can completely change your life! It might surprise you to learn that you have a natural ability to use hypnosis for your own well-being.
At Scope Hypnosis we will work with you to create a specifically designed treatment programme plan that addresses your individual needs and the goals you want to achieve, taking into account the way you respond best. This maximises both your time and your results.
Take advantage of online sessions from anywhere in the world! Hypnosis in your own home.

Do you have road rage?


Road RageHas this ever happened to you?
I was making a turn this week and one of the drivers behind me felt that I wasn’t making my turn fast enough. The driver behind, honked their horn. I’m thinking “I’m going to make my turn when it’s safe for me to turn”. How can a vehicle three cars behind me on a hill possibly see what’s coming from both directions?
But then I thought about it further and it isn’t that the person can see  something that I can’t, it’s that the person is filled with stress and tension. At that point, I thought I should just get out of my car and hand them one of my business cards and tell them that I’d be happy to give them a free session so they could control their road rage.
This is one of the wonderful things about being a clinical hypnotherapist and understanding how the mind works. Although the person honking their horn from 3 cars back, thinks that they know something that I don’t know i.e. it’s safe for me to turn, the truth of the matter is, I have knowledge that could help them live their lives in a better way, in a safer way, in a happier way.
Because when the car in front of you isn’t turning as quickly as you would like, you should ask yourself why you believe you have a right to further harass the person trying to make a decision about turning safely? And how is your honking and making rude hand gestures going to improve the situation? It’s not and the root of the problem lies in tension build up and negative stress within you- the other driver.   
Stress and tension clouds our judgement and who do you want on the road in front of you? A stressed out know-it-all or someone who is focussed on safe driving? I know who I want on my roads.

Climb out of the dark...


Climb Out of the Dark
When someone becomes so desperate for relief from life that they decide to take the drastic measure and take their own everyone else is left asking the question “What could I have done to help prevent this situation”.
Information on depression is everywhere so why does this continue to happen? Many people find their way out of these desperate feelings but yet so many people are trapped in a way of thinking they are unable to free themselves.
It doesn’t matter how much money you make, as we have seen in the case of Robin Williams; well respected, very talented, and yet still so desperate, suicide touches us all.
These feelings are endemic in our culture and we need to change them. We need to find ways to get people to reduce their stress and tension so that they can think clearly no matter what the situation and they can find a way to be happy. Being satisfied with who you are, where you are, is a real art in life.
Having lived with the aftermath of suicide within my family, I have an understanding and empathy that informs my practice and skill.
As a clinical hypnotherapist, I help people so that they don’t get to these dark, dark places that they can’t find a way to escape from.  The work I set into place for the client makes a little window of light that grows and grows until it is large enough window for them to climb through out into the sun.   Using the power of your mind through hypnosis is this window.
If you’d like to learn how to have a window of light that you can access any time you like then contact me. I’m Lisa Wheeler from Scope Hypnosis and I help others to achieve well-being.
Window of Light 

Behind cheating on a spouse...


sad man
We all know people who have been the cheater or have been cheated on in what should be trusting deep relationships.  And guess what?  These people look just like you and me...there is nothing outstanding about them. That’s because they could be you and me.  Circumstances and the workings of your inner mind cause people to react in ways they never thought possible.
For most of us who have not been the cheater- okay wait....there was that time when I was breaking up with my boyfriend but I was yet to tell him and I took up with someone else- does that count?...but I digress...so for most of us who have not been the cheater, we judge, criticize and condemn the cheater but, in some if not most cases, if we understood that this behaviour often begins with living with low self-esteem, low self worth and a lack of true ego strength we might actually begin to create some compassion in our hearts for these people.  Nobody sets out to hurt the one they love by cheating on them and if they do, they have issues with love that are deeply inherent to poor internal dialogue and self-esteem.  But that’s another issue...
I’ve met many good people in my life that have made mistakes with poor judgement at times in their lives.  We are all vulnerable to making the wrong choice at the wrong time.  
If you are a cheater or if you have lived with your partner cheating on you then look behind the behaviour for the root cause and no doubt you will find issues in self-worth, low self-esteem, ego and judgement.  
Clinical Hypnotherapy helps you look at the deep down issues so you can move forward in your life with peace and happiness.  My advice to you is to build your own inner ego, self-esteem and self-worth, not in an egotistical way and then help others to improve theirs.  This world would be a better place if we all focus on personal growth as opposed to blame, hurt and self righteousness.

Looking in the mirror seems so simple...


Scope Hypnosis - Mirror Road
The funny thing about mirrors is that, although meant to reflect a clear image, they are not always accurate.  We’ve all been at the funhouse and stood in front of those mirrors which distort our image, and we laugh but are shocked at the same time.
Scope Hypnosis - Distorted 
But what happens when we look in the mirror and we create a distorted image in our minds?  Sometimes this image is detrimental to our overall well-being.  If every time you look in the mirror you say to yourself in your mind “I’m so fat and ugly” the damage to your self-esteem and therefore your enjoyment of life is immeasurable.  
What the mirror doesn’t capture is the emotion that floats through your subconscious mind and pervades your consciousness about who you are and your value in the world.  What you see in the mirror this morning may impact your day today, tomorrow and your future.  
How powerful is it to say positive consistent things to yourself when you look in the mirror?  Very, very powerful!  
If you do one good thing for yourself today, go look in the mirror and tell yourself all about wonderful you...not how you look but how you are...a unique person with qualities unique to you and there will never be another one of you.  Value yourself.  
You can grow this positivity but expanding your image to include that of those around you.  What if you saw a determined person in the mirror?  A person who does good in the world, a caring person that has value in his or her own life and the influence they have on the people around them.  That’s a person who is deeply happy and thankful for being you! Have a great day today!
Scope Hypnosis - Mirror Talk
Lisa Wheeler