I’ve been duped more times than I can count by “friends” who were not really friends. These so called “friends” whom we now call frenemies who stab you in the back, kick you when you’re down, and take advantage of your generosity. So how can you tell if a friendship is lifelong or just a fly by night relationship which may or may not be mutually satisfying?

Some of us invest so much into our friendships and we want a long term payback on that investment. Often, it just doesn’t happen.
When I think about my friends, my deep and truly lasting relationships, what I notice is that my true friends have witnessed my growth. They have celebrated with me, and I them, for each milestone in our lives. We have time under our belts together. Which begs the questions does time build friendships?
But yet, some of those powerful relationships have also become stale-dated. Relationships of all sorts need to be cultivated and nourished, friendships are no different in that respect. Good friends work together through harder times and the relationship continues to be mutually beneficial.

If you or someone you know needs help overcoming a broken friendship then hypnosis may well help to build your confidence again in relationships.
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