It all began about 4 years ago when my daughter had her first encounter with someone vomiting. It wasn't her but that didn't matter. The impact this made left her in fear of vomiting herself or of others vomiting. Lucky for her to the age of 8 1/2 she has only had 3 individual incidents of vomiting herself. Two are easily put down to eating foods that don't agree with her and the other from a sickness. Most of us hate to vomit but we know it helps our body to get rid of things that make us sick.
2 years ago a child threw-up during the cross-country race at school (I hated that race too as a kid) and this left my daughter in fear of sitting anywhere near that child in class for the rest of the year. Last year there was a spectacular incident during a very large multi-school choir festival where a boy in my daughter's class and on stage close by power spewed all over the people below him on the grandstand. If it had been a part of a film it could not have been written any better.

Picture this- the final song is "Thank-you for the Music" by ABBA and in the last 2 minutes this spray comes forth evacuating a section of the grandstand, but yet the leader keeps the kids singing, louder and louder to compensate for the action going on down the end. Honestly, it was like a movie scene, you just could not believe it was happening.
The result of this is this year my daughter is afraid to be in choir. Afraid, not of the practice, but of the show. One teacher told her "These things always happen at choir" which was not helpful in the least.
We had 6 weeks leading up to the show and the stress of the unknown on the night was really taking it's toll. There were tears and more tears and more tears. But as she is currently practicing for a musical she needs the choir singing experience. My help was offered and refused more times than I'd like to count and finally I just decided to write a hypnotic script to play to her at night- after she had gone to sleep. And yes, without her agreement or knowledge.

She went to show. She had a great time! She even said to another girl that it was so much fun the other girl should have done it too.
I confessed a few days later to having used hypnosis on her while sleeping. I felt nervous about telling her but thought she should know.
Her response "You did a good job Mummy"!
And that's one for the memory books!
Who do you know with fears and phobias? Contact Lisa Wheeler at
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